Tuesday, January 14, 2025
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About Us

Origin of IUIC

Inter University Instrumentation Centre (IUIC) was started in 2011 to serve the research communities in all the Universities in Kerala by initiating advanced level research in various interdisciplinary areas which require state-of-the-art equipment facilities. Scientific research demands advanced and sophisticated instrumental support in order to work out high quality and meaningful work. A major problem associated with advanced research in the field of science, particularly in the state of Kerala, is the lack of sophisticated equipments. This upset the various research activities of most of the science departments in all the universities in Kerala. The advanced equipments available at the national research centres are often not available to researchers from universities. Improvement of the quality of scientific research in our state can be achieved only by providing such equipments in various research centres. On the other hand, most of these equipments are very costly and hence the state universities cannot afford to procure such high cost equipments. Therefore, it will be ideal to share equipments by researchers working in the same research area, stationed at different places. In this context, teachers and research scholars working in various universities and affiliated colleges may be provided with common centres having both basic and advanced scientific equipments so as to utilize the facilities to their full potential. It is therefore envisaged that the facility at the Mahatma Gandhi University will act as a common centre where researchers can initiate high quality research which requires advanced instrument facilities in the field of chemistry, physics, biology and environmental science. With this aim, the Central Instrumentation Centre (CIC) was formed in 2011 and renamed as Inter University Instrumentation Centre (IUIC) in 2012.

The main objective of the IUIC is to strengthen the University in its technological infrastructure through collaborative efforts of its academic community, provide service to University Departments/Centres and affiliated colleges in maintenance of instruments, conduct training programmes, provide and assist analytical services on specialised instruments available in the University, etc.

Inter University Instrumentation Centre is sponsored jointly by Kerala State Government and Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi (through Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence, DST– PURSE program). The Centre provides facilities for Researchers, Students and Industries who require Highly Sophisticated Analytical Instruments for Chemical, Atomic and Spectral Analysis of materials and chemical substances.

Vision and Mission


“Inter University Instrumentation Centre envisions to create highly sophisticated instrumental facilities and to develop qualified manpower in all interdisciplinary areas of science through advanced level knowledge & intellectual participation.”


  • To initiate advanced level research in priority areas which require highly sophisticated scientific equipment’s
  • To identify priority research areas in emerging fields and to facilitate collaborative research depending on the availability of various sophisticated equipment’s.
  • To facilitate collaborative research in interdisciplinary areas.
  • To provide intellectual input for research activities in both universities and affiliating centres on interdisciplinary areas of scientific research
  • To promote technology development utilizing the advanced instrumentation facility.
  • To organize a pool of experts from various scientific disciplines and make them available for research interactions.
  • To provide both basic and modern scientific equipment’s for researchers from all the universities of Kerala.
  • To act as a common platform for organizing short-term courses and workshops on sophisticated instrumentation.
  • To provide specialized training for scientific and technical personnel for up-keeping, maintenance and essential servicing of instruments in undergraduate and post graduate laboratories.